For 2021, we will start here the new maxx-blog.
The maxx-solar & energy Germany employees, our trainers from Germany, Africa and around the world and maxx-solar´s CEO Dieter Ortmann who have a profound knowledge of the solar industry and deep insight on the business developements will share their personal stories, carrier paths, visions and lesseson learned with you!
We will upload content – every month – starting on the 15th of February.
The following main topics will be covered:
- solar energy carriers (mentoring, networks, experts)
- digitalisation, education and Life Long Learning (how is the pv-industry related to that?)
- maxx-online-academy: news and information
We hope to create content and share information with you that are helpful to you and your business, development and personal carrier.
Our Vision with this Blog and our academies
Bringing Clean Energy to the world and empower people to learn and engage in their own energy transition.
Our Mission with this Blog and our academies
We want a world full of Solarpreneurs: that means people who have the knowledge, the skills and the vision to change the world and make it a better place for all future generations to come.
We want to share more than 10 years of experience in the field of photovoltaics and green energy, training and teaching with you.
Through Life Long Learning, Entrepreneurship approach, brought networks, very experienced Trainers, online and offline academy trainings we will equip you with the skills you need to start a successful carrier in the field of Photovoltaics.
The maxx-solar motto is still: Let´s talk about it!