Our maxx-trainer was back in the field again. This time commissioning a 25kW SMA inverter and a car charger for a client.
Here are some best practices they would like to share with you, so you can make your next commissioning more efficient for your company and for the client.
First of all: PLAN AHEAD.
There are many steps that need to be considered and planned well before the commissioning itself can happen.
Step 1:
Call your client BEFORE you drive to their house or project site.
- Ask the client when he or she is available, make sure you have access to the solar systems and components.
- Also make sure a connection to the internet is available for the solar system to use. All solar systems and most car chargers need an internet connection in order for the inverter to log production data.
Step 2:
Good Project management is key for success here
- As each site and system is different, there will almost always be unexpected requirements. This may require you to drive to the site multiple times, each time costing time and money.
- Account upfront for extra time and money required to complete a system. Be competitive on your quote, but do allow room for unexpected expenses.
Step 3:
Handing over the system to the client
- Make sure you explain the basic technical aspect of the system, so that your client/ customer will be able to understand and work with the system from now on.
- Explain to them the monitoring tools they can use as Apps or on their computer.
- Explain to them the main function of the system and how to re-start the system…sometimes these things help a lot when you have a costumer calling for help and it can be as easy as just starting the system again = no additional driving to the client necessary.
Step 4:
Make yourself a checklist!
- Write down what you need to take with you (tools) in order to commissioning the PV-System
- Write down what you need to clarify BEFORE you go to the client
- Write down what you need to do AFTER you commissioned the PV-System
- Use your own checklist and share it with new employees so it will make their life easier.
Step 5:
Measure, commission, and record.
- Measure all strings for correct polarity and voltage before connecting anything.
- Measure isolation values between PV strings and ground.
- Fill in your commissioning sheet, all voltages, Isolation values, and serial numbers.
Did we cover everything?
What is missing in your eyes?
What do you do when commissioning a system?
Let us know, write us a message 😊
Your maxx-solar-online-academy team.
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