Design and optimisation of On-grid solar PV plants up to 2MWp.
Learn how to optimise your commercial solar plant designs for the highest possible yield and lowest LCOE (Levelized cost of energy).
What you'll learn
Course Pre-requisites
- 2 Years or more experience in the solar industry, or some experience in the solar industry combining (integrating) solar systems together, compiling energy needs assessments and some basic system sizing
- An understanding of grid-connected solar PV system components and their functions
- Some basic solar PV system design experience is important
- Basic experience with design software is essential (for example Helioscope, PVSol, PVSyst)
- Basic spreadsheet capabilities
Course introduction
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I AcceptExample solar farm
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I AcceptCourse Summary
Duration: 16 hours
Course times: 3 days in total
- Day 1, 6 hours, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Day 2, 6 hours, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Day 3, 4 hours, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
*one-hour lunch break included, 12:30 am to 13:30 pm
All times are in UTC+2
Format: Online training.
Language: English
Number of modules: 11
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