The Solar Show Africa is the biggest solar expo in Africa! We have put together a programme to help you keeping the overview of all activities
Day 1, 27th Mar
14.00-14.30 How to become PV GreenCard Installer presentation by maxx director Antje Klauss-Vorreiter @Solar Seminar
14.30-15.30 PV GreenCard Live Q&A Open Interview with SAPVIA Programme Manager Niveshen Govender @maxx booth A75
15.30-17.00 maxx│Island Party Company pitches, live music and cocktails @maxx booth A75
Day 2, 28th Mar
10.00-10.30 Partnership Launch maxx & Valentin Software presentation by maxx director Antje Klauss-Vorreiter and Paul McLean @maxx booth A75
13.30-14.00 Design of a rooftop PV system with PV*SOL 2018 Software Live Simulation by Paul McLean @Solar Seminar
14.00-14.30 High Efficiency Solar Systems Presentation by Daniel Haitzler, IBC Solar @Solar Seminar
All day at our booth
- Welcome drink as refreshment
- Lucky draw to win a 1 year PV SOL Premium License and maxx-solar academy training vouchers
- PV GreenCard Consultation